Arranjamos um sistema do ikea que a prateleira é extensível e conseguirmos tirar o aspirador com mais facilidade, os produtos de limpeza ficam no alto fora do alcance das crianças, vassoura e esfregona penduradas, falta pendurar a pá! Também prendemos o ferro à parede com um acessório que vende no ikea custou uns 7€, a tábua fica do lado direito e também coloco os chapéus de chuva.
A arrumação de qualquer local é um trabalho contínuo e acho que nunca está bem. Ainda estou a acabar com detergentes que comprei e não gostei assim tanto, mas como são embalagens grandes ainda demoram a acabar.
In this part of the pantry is where I keep the shovel, the broom, the vacuum cleaner, iron and ironing board, I wanted a space dedicated only to cleaning products and utensils, but not all fit here, as I showed in the previous post, in the last shelf (next to the floor) is where I keep some detergents that are big and heavy, at this moment I put them in boxes (9€ on ikea) so they are not so accessible to baby A who is already crawling everywhere.
We got an ikea system that the shelf is extendable and we can remove the vacuum cleaner more easily, the cleaning products are high out of the reach of children, broom and mop hanging, missing hanging the shovel! We also attached the iron to the wall with an accessory from ikea costs around 7 €, the board is on the right side and I also put on the umbrellas.
Tidying up any place is ongoing work and I think it's never going well. I'm still trying to finish out of detergents that I bought and I didn't like it them much, but as they are large packages they still take a while to finish