This is the cake I make all the time at home, it is a fluffy and moist cake and not very sweet, it is great to accompany a tea or coffee.
Cenoura e laranja ralada/ Carrot and peel organge grated) |
Claras em castelo / Egg whites beated |
Claras e mistura de Cenoura juntas/ Egg whites and carrot mixture together |
Bom Apetite!/ Enjoy! |
Ingredientes do Bolo:
250 gr de Cenoura
Casca de 1 laranja
4 Ovos grandes
200 gr açucar
100 gr óleo
220 gr farinha
1 clh sopa de fermento
1 pitada de sal fino
Forma redonda com buraco
Manteiga e farinha para untar a forma
Cobertura de chocolate:
40 gr manteiga
40 gr de chocolate negro 70% em barra (pode colocar umas colheres de açúcar se preferir)
20 a 30 gr de leite (depende se gostar do chocolate mais líquido ou mais grosso)
-Pré-aqueça o forno a 180ºC
-Ralar a cenoura e a casa de laranja, reservar.
-Numa tigela à parte, separar os ovos e bater as gemas com açúcar até ficar com aspecto esbranquiçado, juntar a mistura de cenoura e laranja, o óleo, a farinha e o fermento.
-Noutra tigela, bater as claras em castelo com a pitada de sal fino.
-Juntar a mistura de cenoura às claras mexendo suavemente com uma vara de arames para não retirar o ar.
-Untar a forma com buraco com manteiga e polvilhar com farinha, deitar a mistura na forma e levar ao forno cerca de 40 min (varia de forno para forno) ao fim desse tempo, espetar um palito se não vier massa agarrada, está pronto!.
-Remover do forno e deixar arrefecer e desenformar.
Para a Cobertura:
-Colocar todos os ingredientes em banho maria e deixar derreter, deitar em cima do bolo.
English below
Cake ingredients:
250 gr of carrot grated finnely
Peel of 1 orange
4 Large Eggs
200 gr sugar
100 gr oil
220 gr flour
1 tbl yeast soup
1 pinch of fine salt
Baking tin with hole
Butter and flour to spread the tin
Chocolate Sauce:
40 gr butter
40 gr of dark chocolate 70% in bar (you can add a few spoons of sugar if you prefer)
20 to 30 grams of milk (it depends if you like the chocolate more liquid or thicker)
-Preheat the oven to 180ºC/356Fº
-Grate carrot and orange peel, reserve.
-In a separate bowl, separate the eggs and beat the yolks with sugar until they appear the sugar has dissolved, add the carrot and orange mixture, the oil, flour and baking powder.
In another bowl, beat the egg whites with the pinch of fine salt.
-Add the carrot mixture to the egg whites by gently stirring with a wire stick to keep out the air.
-Spread the cake tin with butter and sprinkle with flour, pour the mixture into the tin and put the oven for about 40 min (may varie from oven to oven) at the end of that time, stick a toothpick if there is no uncooked cake, is ready !.
-Remove from oven and let cool and unmold.
Chocolate Sauce:
-Put all the ingredients in a saucepan over water bath and let melt, pour over the cake
* To you who use the american measurements, sorry but i dont have this recipe in cups, but if you have a scale is very easy to do this recipe :)
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