Esta receita é do livro base da bimby TM31 e é super simples de fazer.
Eng: I made this wonder over the weekend to accompany the coffee, it is a loaf of bread but less sweet than a milk loaf as we know it, but it balances because it has a little bit of sugar on the top of the loaf, can be eaten plain or with butter (as I like) or sweet, or anything else you like!
This recipe is from the base book of the TM31 thermomix book and is super simple to make.
250gr de leite / 250gr of milk
100gr margarina / 100gr margarine
50gr de açucar / 50gr sugar
1 saqueta de fermento seco / 1 sachet of dry yeas
2 ovos / 2 eggs
700gr farinha / 700gr flour
1 clh chá de sal / 1 teaspoon of salt
1 gema de ovo para pincelar / 1 egg yolk for brushing
Topping de açúcar / Sugar Topping
1 colher de sopa de açúcar / 1 tablespoon of sugar
2 a 4 gotas de água / 2 to 4 drops os water
Depois de levedar / After Proof |
Coloque no copo o leite, a margarina, o açúcar e programe 2 min / 37ºc / vel 2
Junte o fermento, os ovos e programe 10 seg / vel 6
De seguida adicione a farinha, o sal e programe 3 min/vel espiga
Deixe levedar durante 20 minutos num local morno
Divida a massa em 3 e faça rolos do mesmo tamanho . forme uma trança.
Pincele com gema de ovo e numa tigela faça açúcar humidificado (1 colher de açúcar 2 a 4 gotas de água até ficar com consistência de neve)
Leve ao forno pré-aquecido a 50ºc até que dobre de volume e em seguida aumente a temperatura para 180ºc durante 25 min
Eng: Preparation:
Put the milk, margarine, sugar in the yhermomix and set 2 min / 37ºc / speed 2
Add the yeast, eggs and set 10 sec / speed 6
Then add the flour, salt and set 3 min / wheat button
Let it rise for 20 minutes in a warm place
Divide the dough into 3 and make rolls of the same size. Form a braid.
Brush with egg yolk and in a bowl, make moistened sugar (1 teaspoon sugar 2 to 4 drops of water until it its consistent remind snow)
Take it to the preheated oven at 50ºc until it doubles in volume and then raise the temperature to 180ºc for 25min
Nota: no meu forno a temperatura mais baixa é de 80ºC e para dobrar de volume demorou cerca de 20 min, depois aumentei para os 180ºC conforme indica a receita
Note: in my oven the lowest temperature is 80 ° C and for my batter to doubling the volume it took about 20 min, then i increased to 180 ° C as indicated in the recipe.
Pincelado com gema de ovo / Brushed with egg yolk |
Pincelado com gema de ovo e adicionado o açúcar/ Brushed with egg yolk and added the sugar |
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