(25 unidades)
125 gr amêndoa pelada (aqui fiz com pele)
125 gr figos secos
2 colheres de sopa de farinha de alfarroba
Demolhar a amêndoa e os figos em água fria durante 1 hora, tirar o pé do figo.
Escorrer bem, colocar no processador (eu fiz na bimby) triturar tudo e fazer bolinhas, passar por farinha de alfarroba (sugestão).
Manter no frigorífico e consumir dentro de 3/4 dias
Esta receita é do blog sem aditivos http://www.semaditivos.com/2014/01/brigadeiros-de-alfarroba.html
I make these carob sweets regularly, as an afternoon snack or with Greek yogurt in the morning, or simply when I want a sweettreat.
(25 units)
125 gr (4.40 oz) almond peeled (this time i make with the skin on)
125 g (4.40 oz) dry figs
2 tablespoons carob flour
Put the almond and figs in cold water for 1 hour, take the fig stem out.
Drain well, put in the food processor (I did in bimby/thermomix) pulse and grind everything.
Make balls, and sprinkle carob meal (suggestion).
Keep in the fridge and consume within 3/4 days
This recipe is from blog sem aditivos http://www.semaditivos.com/2014/01/brigadeiros-de-alfarroba.html
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